Bentley LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse Help

Tone Mapping

Tone Mapping Operator Select Tone Mapping Method. All operators except Clamp apply the exposure adjustment based on the parameters below or the results of the auto-exposure feature.
  1. Clamp: leaves the radiance values unchanged, skipping any exposure adjustment
  2. Linear: applies the exposure adjustment but leaves the color values otherwise unchanged
  3. Reinhard: operator based on Erik Reinhard's tone mapping work
  4. Reinhard (modified): variation of the operator based on Erik Reinhard's tone mapping work
  5. HejiHableAlu: John Hable's ALU approximation of Jim Heji's operator
  6. HableUC2: John Hable's Uncharted 2 filmic tone map
  7. ACES: operator based on the Academy Color Encoding System
  8. Iray: Reinhard-based operator that matches the operator used by NVIDIA Iray by default
cm^2 Factor Use this factor to adjust for scene units being different from centimeters
White Point A color that will be mapped to white on the output
Film ISO Simulates the effect on exposure of a camera's ISO setting
Camera Shutter Simulates the effect on exposure of a camera's shutter open time
f-Number / f-Stop Simulates the effect on exposure of a camera's f-Stop or f-Number aperture
Enable sRGB To Gamma Conversion Available with Linear/Reinhard/Reinhard(modified)/HejiHableAlu/HableUc2 Tone Mapping
Wrap Value Offset